All Aboard the Breakout Express! Simplified Rostering Options Drive Learning Quickly

Educators already love Breakout EDU classroom for the one-click ability to assign games, track student performance, assign badges, and monitor student game creation. Now it is time to say farewell to sharing long URLs or repeating directions to students on how to find a specific game. 

With Single Sign On (SSO), instant class codes, and LMS roster upload options, Breakout EDU classroom makes it simple for educators to get students on board, learning, and having fun each day!

Four Ways to Integrate Breakout EDU Activities Throughout the Year

Breakups aren’t always a bad thing! Students and teachers alike benefit from breaking up lesson activities and content into engaging chunks for students. At Breakout EDU, we believe education can (and should) be interactive and fun for students of all ages. That’s why we offer different activities - to fit the needs, preferences, and schedule of every classroom. 

We are here to help you break up with instructional monotony and reinvigorate curiosity while keeping you informed of student progress towards current year learning expectations. Check out these 4 ways teachers can use Breakout EDU to breakup with boredom throughout a school year: 

Sharing is Caring! School-wide accounts now empower teachers to access a shared game library

It’s no secret the most important work of a school happens in the classroom. Driving student academic growth necessitates access to a wide range of tools to support the diverse learning preferences of your unique student population. By design, libraries are a nexus for sharing ideas and resources - and a well-stocked school library can make a significant difference in driving academic growth. 

Celebrate Math with Easy-to-Integrate Breakout EDU Activities!

Teaching math often involves a wide range of methods, including direct instruction, hands-on activities, and practice to drive student progress towards year-end learning goals. Explaining concepts, demonstrating how to solve problems, and allowing for physical manipulation of objects are core pedagogical practices. 

Students need practice to solidify their understanding, improve their skills, and build the cognitive scaffolding necessary to support them in meeting grade-level standards. Practice means many things: completing worksheets, solving practice problems, or even playing Breakout EDU games! 

Game On! Podcast Episode #10 - Gary Winnick

In this episode of GAME ON, Adam Bellow interviews Gary Winnick. Gary is an artist and one of the true pioneers of the Point+Click adventure game genre who brought the Lucasarts game Maniac Mansion to life. Gary has had a long career creating artwork for comics and a catalog of computer and video games. Adam’s favorite computer game growing up was Maniac Mansion and he grew up playing games like them. These have served as an inspiration for the upcoming Breakout+ Games that will be coming to Breakout EDU later this year.

Breakout EDU Spotlight: Rachel Hoffman

The Academic Bowl is a district-wide competition where students are grouped according to grade bands (kdg-3, 4-6, 7-8) and schools compete against each other. Teams solved "locks" from BreakoutEDU that were appropriate for the team grade bands. Kdg-3 used paper copies, while all others utilized the BreakoutEDU platform on devices.

Unlock a Game-Changing Back-to-School Adventure with Breakout EDU

Breakout EDU games are engaging, collaborative, and fun! Our digital and kit-based games transform traditional teaching methods by prioritizing student engagement, inclusion, collaboration, and critical thinking. 

As educators begin thinking about new tools and instructional approaches for fall 2023, here are 4 unique ways Breakout EDU can unlock back-to-school success:

Five Ways Breakout EDU Stands out from the Crowd

At Breakout EDU, our mission is to create immersive and engaging experiences to nurture critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity in a unique way.

Our interactive games and challenges allow students to actively participate in their education, breaking away from traditional methods of instruction. Students become active problem solvers, using creativity and critical thinking skills to unlock clues and solve puzzles. The uniquely tangible nature of our activities makes learning a dynamic and memorable experience for students of all ages.

Save Time and Ignite Excitement: Six Time-saving Features for Game-based Learning

Teachers spend countless hours planning and preparing for lessons each day - and countless more analyzing the impact of those lessons on student learning. That’s why Breakout EDU has developed global features to ensure our games can be used with minimal time investment for teachers while providing a maximum return for students. 

Breakout EDU Spotlight: Sarah Bidwell

Every year towards the end of August, like many schools, my district provided back-to-school professional development (PD). About five years ago, the PD rocked my pedagogical core.

Typically, these back-to-school sessions would kick off with a motivational speaker. A similar theme year-to-year was that students need to be engaged to learn. While the message was appreciated, none of the speakers I heard ever shared the secret sauce for engagement. Regardless, we were all able to agree on the dream of students arriving each day wanting to learn. It was the HOW to achieve this that remained elusive.

Breakout EDU Spotlight: Becky Poljac

The most impactful aspect is how students have to work as a team, communicate, think outside the box, and persevere when things get tough. My favorite part is always seeing how they work together for a common goal of breaking out!

Breakout EDU Spotlight: Cicero District 99 Academic Bowl

The Academic Bowl is a district-wide competition where students are grouped according to grade bands (kdg-3, 4-6, 7-8) and schools compete against each other. Teams solved "locks" from BreakoutEDU that were appropriate for the team grade bands. Kdg-3 used paper copies, while all others utilized the BreakoutEDU platform on devices.

The Breakout EDU Games Team Puts Artificial Intelligence to the Test

The Breakout EDU Games Team Puts Artificial Intelligence to the Test

It seems like you can’t go very far these days without hearing about AI. Whether it is a debate about what AI will do to jobs, or how it can impact (positively or negatively) teachers and students, one thing is for sure - the idea of using AI is here to stay and the technology is getting better with each passing moment.

Game On! Podcast Episode #9 - Dr. Matthew Farber

Game On! Podcast Episode #9 - Dr. Matthew Farber

In this episode of GAME ON, Adam Bellow interviews Matthew Farber, an expert in gaming and educational games. The two discuss the importance of play and his work on social and emotional learning (SEL) competencies in games. Farber describes his Gaming SEL Lab, which studies and develops curriculum around games that enhance SEL skills such as empathy, compassion, and perspective-taking. He also discusses his favorite childhood games, including board games, Choose Your Own Adventure books, and Commodore 64 computer games, as well as his recent gaming experiences with Life is Strange 2 and Before Your Eyes, a game in which players relive and redo moments in their life every time they blink. Farber explains that his path to studying games and learning began with the educational game iCivics, which he used as a social studies teacher, and led to his interest in project-based learning and writing for Edutopia.

Game On! Podcast Episode #8- Toby Price

In this episode of GAME ON, Adam Bellow interviews Toby Price, an educator and former elementary school principal who made national headlines for reading a children’s book called “I Need A New Butt” to his students. Price shares his origin story, his passion for teaching, and how he became a principal. He also talks about the challenges he faced and how he overcame them, including his dismissal for reading the children's book.

Despite the setback, Price remains optimistic about the future and the opportunities that lie ahead. He has continued his path to being an advocate for diversity and inclusion in education. He has also written a series of children’s book starring “Titus the Monkey” which he hopes will promote kindness and understanding. Despite the challenges he has faced, Price remains committed to his passion for education and helping children succeed while having fun.

Breakout the Badges! Reward and motivate students with new badges!

tudies show that the use of positive reinforcement leads to heightened enthusiasm in students. Who doesn’t love a pat on the back and validation that they did a great job? 

Along with breaking out, students can also feel the sweet victory of collecting badges earned for a variety of fundamental skills! We are (extra) excited about this latest feature available - digital badges designed to reward the 4Cs and SEL skills to complement any kit-based games, digital games, or student-designed games! 

Breakout EDU Spotlight: Peter Panico

What is your favorite thing about Breakout EDU?

My favorite thing about Breakout EDU is its unique educational experience. Having to solve educational puzzles using content knowledge and critical thinking in an immersive game is such a fantastic idea. Students need to be involved in their learning, and Breakout EDU does it best. When I first heard about Breakout EDU, I was blown away by how original and exciting it is. I knew I had to get a Breakout EDU Kit in my classroom as soon as possible. 

Game On! Podcast Episode #7 - Kathy Schrock

Game On! Podcast Episode #7 - Kathy Schrock

Kathy Schrock has been a school district Director of Technology, an instructional technology specialist, and a middle school, academic, museum, and public library librarian. She is currently an online adjunct graduate-level professor for Wilkes University (PA) and an independent educational technologist. Kathy is known for her practical presentations dealing with pedagogically-sound practices for the infusing of technology seamlessly into teaching and learning. Her passions are online tools to enhance classroom instruction, the role of emerging technologies in the classroom, infographics, tablets in the classroom, assessment and rubrics, copyright and intellectual property, and gadgets of any type! 

Breakout EDU Spotlight: Lisa Moe

Breakout EDU Spotlight: Lisa Moe

What is your favorite thing about Breakout EDU?

My favorite thing about Breakout EDU is that it truly is an engaging experience for ALL of my students. There is something for everyone and an opportunity for each of my students to be able to discover new skills and build confidence. It is an experience that is student-led and allows my students to feel empowered through every challenge.

Game On! Podcast Episode #6- Lucas Gillispie

Game On! Podcast Episode #6- Lucas Gillispie

Lucas Gillispie is Director of Technology and Media for Surry County Schools in North Carolina. A passionate educator and gamer, Lucas explores the intersection of games and learning. He is the creator of the WoWinSchool Project, exploring the educational potential of online games like World of Warcraft with middle schoolers, was one of the earliest pioneers to bring Minecraft into classrooms, and is working to build game-inspired professional development for teachers in his district through his EPIC Academy program. As an international speaker and facilitator, Lucas explores all things related to games and learning, from board games to esports, and shares a variety of resources with educators on his website: