Breakout EDU badges reinforce valuable SEL and 4C skills.
Level up your classroom with this latest fun feature supporting SEL and 4C skills!
Studies show that the use of positive reinforcement leads to heightened enthusiasm in students. Who doesn’t love a pat on the back and validation that they did a great job?
Along with breaking out, students can also feel the sweet victory of collecting badges earned for a variety of fundamental skills! We are (extra) excited about this latest feature available - digital badges designed to reward the 4Cs and SEL skills to complement any kit-based games, digital games, or student-designed games!
Teachers can choose to award badges for any number of reasons, most commonly for demonstrating growth and development of vitally important soft skills, allowing students to build a visual representation of their progress throughout a school year.
Breakout badges recognize skills not typically highlighted on a report card or transcript such as components of social-emotional learning (SEL) and 21st Century Skills (4Cs) including leadership, collaboration, critical thinking, citizenship, creativity, communication, and innovation.
Badges and their Purpose
Badges are fun digital credentials students can show off to family and friends celebrating their mastery of skills essential in the classroom and beyond.
While students may or may not complete a Breakout EDU game the first time through, they can still earn badges by going through the process. A teacher, facilitator, or observer can capture and note student growth and participation in powerful and important areas watching them work collaboratively with their peers on standards-aligned challenges.
Badges remain a popular instructional tool because they serve as a creative way to motivate and reward student progress towards expected behaviors. Teachers have the freedom to award badges independently of one another or in any combination of their choosing. Think of it like issuing students a certificate or a trophy for doing great work!
Empower SEL and 4C development
Helping students develop critical SEL skills to manage their emotions, establish positive relationships, and make responsible decisions is essential. The 4Cs, commonly referred to as 21st Century Skills, include communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity. They are necessary for success in school, work, and life.
Research has shown that students who participate in SEL programs demonstrate better academic achievement, improved behavior, and stronger social-emotional skills and, according to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, making an effort to thoughtfully integrate the 4Cs into lessons help students develop the skills they need to become lifelong learners and problem solvers.
Some skills celebrated with Breakout EDU badges include:
And many more!
Awarding badges related to non-academic achievements provides a tangible way for students and teachers to monitor progress over time resulting in a sense of pride and serving to reinforce positive behaviors.
There are nearly 100 badges to choose from related to SEL and the 4Cs now available on Breakout EDU.
How to use Badges
Badges are easy to use! To access this tool, simply visit any of your classes. (View how to create a class and roster students.)
Once you have chosen the class, just click the “Award Badges” button on the class roster tab.
The “Award Badges” button on the class roster tab will allow you to award badges to your students.
Search for the badge or badges you wish to assign, click “Select Students”, choose the student or students you wish to receive the achievements, and then award the badge to the selected student(s). Students will get a notification about the award in their own accounts, and will be able to find their badges under their My Account screen.
Choose from 100s of Breakout EDU badges to award your students for practicing important 4C and SEL skills.
Countless creative possibilities
Badges are a great way to motivate and engage students. Some ways students might earn badges while working through a Breakout EDU game include:
Recognizing students displaying leadership or communication
Encourage students to keep trying with a “Grit” or “Perseverance” badge
Reward creativity and critical thinking as students design their own games
Students already love Breakout EDU games - now thanks to badges - they have the opportunity to earn while they learn! Share your badging ideas with the Breakout EDU community of educators by tagging us on social to celebrate your students’ success.