Breakout EDU Spotlight: Christine Seilheimer
Christine Seilheimer is a 6th grade teacher at Goodwin Elementary School
Christine Seilheimer
6th grade teacher at Goodwin Elementary School
1. There are so many features on the digital platform. What features do you use the most with your 6th grade students?
I teach 6th grade Social Studies and English Language Arts. I use features like the Recommended Games where students can choose games that peak their interest or I run a search for topics and standards that we are working on in class. I also use the My Classes to keep track of work from my different classes. I also use this feature to assign and differentiate games to students.
Students at Goodwin Elementary create a Breakout EDU game using the Game Design Studio
How do you use Breakout EDU in your classes?
I use Breakout EDU in my classes by running a search on a topic or standard we are focused on in ELA or Social Studies. I assign games to the classes to work on when they have completed their curriculum work. With our last reading unit I noticed there were not many games to assign on our topic or standards. I created an extension project for the 6th grade accelerated readers. Students created Breakout games based on my parameters and our reading topic to be shared with the rest of the 6th grade.
What do you like best about Breakout EDU?
The thing I like best about Breakout EDU would have to be that the students enjoy it. They are learning collaborative and team building skills, as well as, problem solving, reinforcing and supporting our academics in a fun way.
Students at Goodwin Elementary enjoying a Breakout EDU activity in class
What do your students like best about Breakout EDU? Lock of the Day? Breakout+? Digital Puzzles? Creating Games?
Students enjoy Lock of the Day, Digital Games and most of all Creating Games. They were super proud of themselves when we shared their games with the classes and walked around coaching students on challenging locks.
A student from Goodwin Elementary uses the Game Design Studio to create a Breakout EDU game
Do you have any specific anecdotes of how Breakout EDU has made a positive impact in your students' learning and/or in your teaching?
A positive impact that Breakout EDU has made on both my students and I would be our extension project and creating a game for their peers based off what they learned from our reading unit. Students were so invested in the project and proud of themselves after. They had so much fun with it they have asked if we can do another with our current reading unit.